Sala conferenze – Appuntamenti – EN


The conference room was created from the belief that seminars, presentations, workshops, courses and events are essential to stimulate curiosity and growth. The space we believe can be useful to the community in our area, is free of charge and is intended for freelancers and students. Through the form below you can reserve the room. When booking, please specify in the NOTES section how many hours you need the room for.


Uno spazio ispirato
a una nuova concezione
di condivisione e di fare insieme

Un nouvel espace
un nouveau concept
de partage et de faire ensemble

A new space
a new concept
of sharing and doing together

Uno spazio ispirato
a una nuova concezione
di condivisione e di fare insieme

Uno spazio ispirato a una nuova concezione di condivisione e di fare insieme

Un espace inspiré d'un nouveau conceptde partage et de faire ensemble

An inspired space to a
new concept of sharing
and doing together

An inspired space to a
new concept of sharing
and doing together