Eventi – 15-18 Febbraio 2024 – GRANDIAUTO GOLF EXPERIENCE – EN

February 15-18, 2024


From February 15 to 18, 2024, we were Main Sponsor at the Grandiauto Golf Experience. We created a corner at Circolo Golf degli Ulivi in Sanremo with furniture elements by Bonaldo, a company with which we share a vision of project storytelling. In the evening we were at the event at Villa Nobel where we met Stefano Zecchi, former professor of Aesthetics at the University of Milan.


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Uno spazio ispirato
a una nuova concezione
di condivisione e di fare insieme

Un nouvel espace
un nouveau concept
de partage et de faire ensemble

A new space
a new concept
of sharing and doing together

Uno spazio ispirato
a una nuova concezione
di condivisione e di fare insieme

Uno spazio ispirato a una nuova concezione di condivisione e di fare insieme

Un espace inspiré d'un nouveau conceptde partage et de faire ensemble

An inspired space to a
new concept of sharing
and doing together

An inspired space to a
new concept of sharing
and doing together